Some students speak ill of their teachers in their abesnce (and you are one of them). You will
When was "Operation Blackboard" commenced in India?
Which method, from among the following , would you adopt to evaluate the power of expression and style of students?
A students of your class tells you in a secret manner that three students of the class generally copy one another's test copies during tests. He also discloses their names to you. Upon getting this onformation, what will be your reaction?
A child is active by birth. Therefore, we must motivate him to take interest in
How should the subjects be distributed in the time table?
You are quite popular among your colleagues. You will use opportunity to
Teachers are likely to play an intelligent role in curriculum improvement when they
Mal adjustment and frustration are developed in the children when:
As a teacher, what would like to do for your favourite students?
With whom, is the project teaching method associated?
What should be the role of teacher in meeting the individual differences?
A student of your class praises a colleague of yours. You will
What is the best method, in your opinion, to help the little children remember a subject?
A teacher should present his lesson plan to the students
The practical method of making students understand the meaning of difficult words is to:
"Population Education" means:
If a student is not able to answer a question during the course of the lecture, then you will:
Which one of the following is not true in the context of Navodaya Vidyalayas?
Of the following items in a pupil's cumulative folder, the one that is least appropriate is
Of the following, the situation that will cause the greatest difficulty for a child in the initial stages of reading instruction is
It is important to impart education about (moral) values to students bacause
You plan to organise a small bazaar in the school so that little children of your school get the actual practise and know how of purchasing goods from the markets and paying for them in cash. The Principle of your school does not give you the permission to organise this bazaar. What would you do in such a situation?
If a student comes late to the school on a daily basis, then it will be appropriate to
In your opinion, arrangement of educational tours for students in the school is very much important because
There are two groups of students in the class
You find a student to be intelligent. You will
You will like that student who is
An example of verbal illustration is
Of the following, the best example of an anecdotal report is
The teacher is curious to know more about the abilities, intelligence and behaviour of a new student in the class. He will do well to
The curriculum of students should
The National Curriculum Framework, 2005 under the heading 'Examination Reforms' which of the following reforms has been suggested?
During a conference, the mother of the third grader asls the teacher how she can help improve her child's reading ability. Of the following the poorest recommendation is that she should
The objective of Principle of Revision is
Why is intellogence testing necessary?
Sthdents do not want to study a subject under your guidance but prefer another teacher. What will be your strategy?
If an intelligent student is delaying the norms of discipline in the class, then
In the class, the class monitor beats up a student (who is creating mischief) in your absence. After entering into the class, you would:
The educational method of Socrates:
Child belonging to weaker section' means
In your view, in order to check the on going decay in the field of education, it is important
Suppose that you give tuition to a student and he fails in the annual examination. In such a situation, you would:
The objective of basis education of Gandhiji was to:
If poor and talented both types of students are in sizable number in the class, then teacher:
While learning a language from the psychological viewpoint, little children:
The major objective of my life is to become a
If a student comes to your class in dirty and crumpled clothes, what type of remedy you will like to implement?
Who was started the movement of naturalism in the field of education?
If the parents/guardians of a child cannot afford to send him to a highly branded and costly school, you will
Some students of your class have very high levels of intelligence. They do not find the study material (being taught in the class) to be challenging. What would you like to do in the context of such students?
In your view, to win the confidence of the Principle, a teacher should:
Some student of your class have weak eye sight. They are unable to clearly see whatever is written on the blackboard. What is your opinion about solving this problems?
Out of the following, in which lesson, a general rule is explained first and then, knowledge is accumulated on the basis of that rule?
Every learner is unique means that
Accoding to Dewey, education is a
The following scholar had stated, "Whosoever has the power to do somethings, does work; the one cannot do anything, teaches."
Majority of students in rural areas do not take admission after high school because
Your colleague does not teach properly in her class. Instead, she tells her pupils to meet her at her residence for tuitions. What ie your opinion about her?
Which quality of the teacher is liked the most by students?
Herbert has given a five stage suggestion in the context of classroom teaching. The objective statement stage:
What type of can problem can possibly surface due to the development of the feelings of disgust, disappointment and lack of interest among students?
A good textbook is one, which essentially includes, besides other special features, the following
The basis of the activity methods is
If you have to take the class of another teacher, who is absent, you will
One solution to make class teaching more effective/meaningful is the following:
Some facts have been appended ahead with respect to the deductive method of teaching. Which one of these facts is incorrect?
A teacher asks question from students during classroom teaching sessions. Should he help/guide them so that they may be able to arrive at correct answer?