Which of the following is not a network hardware?
To record and produce sound in a computer system you need
The scanning technology that allows to read the check boxes affixed in predefined space is
Which of the following is not a hardware?
A kind of memory chip that stores data and instructions permanently is
In which input method the data should be converted into machine readable form so that a computer can process it?
Which of the following technology can’t be used to build flat panel display monitors?
The storage capacity of a hard disk is measured in
Which is the most common computer keyboard layout?
Cordless mouse or wireless mouse connects to the computer through
A special-purpose output device that draws images with ink pens is
Which of the following term do not refer to an expansion card?
The storage capacity of a floppy disk is measured in
Which of the following printer produces most noise?
Which of the following is not a peripheral hardware device in a computer system?
Which type of computer keyboard contain 101 to 106 keys?
The two kinds of input devices – direct input and indirect input devices are classified based on
Which key was added in Windows keyboard?
IBM introduced the first 8” floppy disk in 1971 which could store
A unit that receives information from CPU and converts into suitable human readable form is
Keyboard is an example of
The temporary output of a computer system is called
Which of the following port is used to connect DB-25 pin Modems or Scanners?
What is the difference between mechanical mouse and opto-mechanical mouse?
A unit of a computer system that brings data and instructions into the computer
A disk is divided into several concentric circles called
Which of the following is not a type of plotter
Text and images are displayed on monitor by individual
Which of the following type of mouse contain a ball on its underside and sensors to detect direction of ball movement?
Which company introduced the first desktop laser printer called LaserJet?
Devorak, Colemark, JCUKEN are some keyboard layouts for which scripts?
Which of the following is not a type of scanner?
Which of the following port is better suitable to support high speed graphics and other video input?
Which device in microprocessor stores the data to be processed?
The scanning technology that makes it possible to recognize handwritten data when there is usually space among characters is
A cluster of red, green and blue diodes is driven together to form a full-color pixel in a
Which of the following printer can print a single character at a time?