How many copies of a class static member are shared between objects of the class?
In mulit-list organization
Which of the following port is used to connect DB-25 pin modems or scanners?
Minimum number of temporary variable needed to swap the contents of 2 variables is:
Which of the following members do get inherited but become private members in child class
The output of this program is int main () { cout << "Hello World!" return 0; }
In a group of nested loops, which loop is executed the most number of times?
Which of the following is true about const member functions?
The time taken to move an access arm to a certain track on a disk is
Which of the following correctly describes the meaning of‘namespace’ feature in C++?
Which of the following is not a component of file system
Which of the following operators can be overloaded?
A continue statement causes execution to skip to
Which classes allow primitive types to be accessed as objects?
Which of the following port is better suitable to support high speed graphics and other video input?
Which looping process is best used when the number of iterations is known?
The two types of file structure existing in VSAM file are
If there is more than one statement in the block of a for loop, which of the following must be placed at the beginning and the ending of the loop block?
Which of the following relationship is known as inheritancerelationship?
Each pass through a loop is called a/an
The conditional compilation
STL is based on which of the following programming paradigms?
The temporary output of a computer system is called
Which of the following functions below can be used Allocate space for array in memory?
Under which of the following circumstances, synchronization takes place?
Which of the following ROM is most convenient to rewrite?
Which of the following printer produces most noise?
Statement scanf(“%d”,80);
The output of this program is int a = 10;void main(){int a = 20;cout << a << ::a;}
Which of the following correctly describes C++ language?
What’s wrong? for (int k = 2, k <=12, k++)
If the class name is X, what is the type of its “this” pointer (in a nonstatic, non-const member function)?
Which looping process checks the test condition at the end of the loop?
A disk is divided into several concentric circles called
To record and produce sound in a computer system you need
What is the suitable output device for CAE, CAD and CAM?