Raw, unevaluated, unprocessed and unorganized facts is known as:
ASCII has how many codes?
NICNET and INDONET are the networks of which category?
Electronic telecommunications system joining millions of computers together.
In which of the following the term “Truncation” is used
Which of the following software is useful for word processing?
Three great achievements in U.S.A. were noticed i.e. enunciation of DDC classification scheme, formation of American Library Association and the publication of 1st Journal of the librarianship in the year.
Identify the odd one from the following:
Which type of protocol is used by interface for public data network (PDN)?
Which of the following libraries in India, which one is the oldest library?
________ is an important record of books, which shows the position of any book on the shelves.
The CD alphabets in CDS/ISIS stands for
Following is not a social bookmarking site:
LOCKOSS (Software) is an international community initiative by:
Following is an example of microblogging:
Information retrieval is fastest from
Now-a-days how many types of Protocol are used ?
Following is not a network protocol:
Following is not a Web 2.0 tool:
ISO-9960 is related with?
Physical condition of the books should be property maintained. This is known as
In Which five year plan the INFLIBNET was established?
Which is not a programming language?
An University providing Open Access to Sanskrit dissertations through Internet
Which one is a full text e-Resource?
Which type of switching system is telephone network?
Which one is E-Bibliographic database?
How many ways switching system can be established?
Resource sharing is a part of ____________.