Which of the following can you format using buttons on the formatting toolbar?
Slide sorter of PowerPoint is available on _____ menu.
Which of the following is an example for Automatic Text formatting?
Microsoft PowerPoint can insert objects from the following add-ins?
Which key do you press to check spelling?
We can replace a font on all sides with another font using the option :
Which of the following fill effects can you use for the slide background?
How do you print your slides in a handout that includes lines for notes?
Auto clipart is a feature that
Which of the following best describes serifs?
To add a header or footer to your handout, you can use
What is a slide-title master pair?
What are symbols used to identify items in a list?
To select more than one slide in the presentation:
Microsoft Power Point is a
Which short cut key inserts a new slide in current presentation?
An organization has a president, vice president, managers and supervisors. On what level of an organization chart are the vice presidents
How would you create the following diagram in Power Point?
In the context of animations, what is a trigger?
The handout master contains placeholders for all of the following except
PowerPoint design templates are stored in a file with this extension.
Which menu provides you options like Animation Scheme, custom Animation, Slide Transition?
Which of the following statement is true?
To exit the PowerPoint application, you should
Which of the following options in the printer dialog box would you select to print slides 5 and 12 in a presentation?
How do you add degrees of transparency to shapes such as arrows, so that the slide background shows though?
Which PowerPoint view works best for adding slide transitions?
The difference between Slide Design and Auto Content Wizard is
Which of the following is not a way to cut ext?
If you select Insert > Picture > From File
What is to be use to add text in Slide?
To insert a hyperlink in a slide
To insert a new slide in the current presentation, we can choose
Which is the best view for getting your thoughts for a presentation out on the computer?
In a Power Point presentation
Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all slides in a presentation?
Which command will you use in PowerPoint if you need to change the color of different objects without changing content?