If 54 is related to 1512, 63 is related to 189, then 86 is related to:
If CR called ET then MQ will be called
I inspired from the biographies of great personalities
Doctors visit health centre late
Which one of the following is different from the other two ?
What is the antonym of 'Small' ?
Find the odd man out from the following?
If 'Cloth' is related to 'Tailor' then 'Leather' is related to
Delay in train running causes in convenience to the passengers.
I like journey by rail very much.
If PR is written as 1618 then how CM will be written ?
Complete the following number series 3, 27, 4, 64, 5, ?
I do want to live in a filthy settlement.
Fair : Elephant : Studio : ?
A student misbehaves in the class room. As a teacher I
The Vowels are pronounced with
Find the odd man out from the following?
I always take care of ______ in my life.
India should have ________ realtion with the neighbours.
The sovereign power in India is vested
I do my work with great determination and sincerity.
Complete the following letter series : AFQ, CHS, EJU, ?
I always remain conscious about health.
The Government of India should make eduction compulsory by paying greater attention to it.
A person is injured in an accident. First of all I
Complete the following series : D8, F12, H16 ?
I read such books in leisre which deal with
You as an ASM will take care of
I want to become an honest Railway employee.
Sometimes I feel disappointed