If you are forced to give pass marks to a failed student, you will
The least justifiable use of the results of a standardised reading test is to
The curriculum, to be prepared for children, Should be
When a test has a high degree of reliability; we can conclude that
If you have been appointed as a judge in a declamation contest, you will
More indiscipline usually prevails in the class if:
What suggestion would you like to give in order to stop the practice of copying in the examination hall?
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
There is no harm for a teacher to take help, in the context of academic work, from
A teacher wants the gifted children of her class to achieve their potential. Which of the following should she not to do achieve her objective?
Personalised System of education
"This system trains the student to find the facts, rules and principle throught hie own efforts, organise the knowledge gained and define the general rules."The aforresaid statement is referred to the---
The first ever district, which had achieved full literacy, is:
The Dalton Scheme of education is useful for which ones of the following?
On what basis, should the achievement of a students be evaluated?
Do you agree with the statement of a scholar that "a little child is immature in terms of intelligence and helpless and should not be given so much freedom that he is completely destroyed."
If education is made vication oriented, this will lead to
Study of newspaper and magazines helps us
A student is very weak in mathematics. What would you like to do to help him?
In order to please students and their parents/guardians, teacher should
Pestalozzi was of the opinion that:
The teacher can develop honesty and other good virtues in students by
Which of the following pupils should be shown more sympathy by the teacher?
Child belonging to weaker section' means
The basic education system was based on the viewpoint that the child
Why do you consider it to be beneficial to call a student to the blackboard and get a question/problem solved by him?
You want to adopt the teaching profession because
Which type of education is beneficial for students and the society both at present?
Knowing the religion and caste of a child in the class
The chief aim of basis education is to:
A class of sixth grade includes a group of children reading in the fourth grade. Of the following, the best material to be used with this group is a
What should a teacher do in order to integrate the child of lonely nature to the group?
You are teaching in the class. The headmistress calls for you. You will
A child has been admitted to your school who belongs to a backward family/background from the cultural viewpoint. You will
Why should you like to take additional responsibilities as a teacher?
The famous educationist, Bacon, had the opinino that the objective of education is:
The educational method of Socrates:
You are known as the right hand man of the Principle. You should concentrate on
In primary schools, Operation Blackboard: educational standards
Only one teacher teaches little children in school. Do you consider it to be beneficial?
If a student does not complete his home work on a regular basis, what will you do to rectify him?
Who was started the movement of naturalism in the field of education?
Who, from among the following, had stated, "Motivation is the art of generating interest in the mind of the student?"
I like such types of books as contain
If a student comes late to the school on a daily basis, then it will be appropriate to
The National Curriculum Framework, 2005 under the heading 'quality demension' gives more importance to
Personal education is most important for:
Guidance is given so that the students is able to identify himself and develop his abilities. Which one of the following statements is nto correct in this context?
In the class, the class monitor beats up a student (who is creating mischief) in your absence. After entering into the class, you would:
A provision for education for the children with disabilities can be done throught
The best benefit that can accrue due to the meeting of the parent and the teacher is that
Nowadays, students get educations throught Internet. This has become a Common practice in the West. Should this practie be adopted in India?
If a student wears unironed and dirty clothes and comes to the class, then you would:
The project method of teaching imparts pratical knowledge to the students, because:
A teacher should contiune to incorporate new sets of knowledge in his subject matter on a continuous basis so that
The objective of Principle of Revision is
Which of the following will serve as a most satisfying defence mechanism for the physically handicapped individual?
Which subject can be taught in the best manner throught the Heuristic system of teaching?
The evaluation of personality is best made throught the use of a/an
Defence mechanism acts in a subconscious manner (i.e., without the human being aware of its activity). Which one of the following is correct in the context of this mechanism?
The curriculum should be flexible. If it were not so, then:
Why Navodaya Vidyalayas have been created under the aegis of National Education Policy?
Teachers are likely to play an intelligent role in curriculum improvement when they
What should the teacher to do maintain the interest of students in class teaching?
From your viewpoints, whose development is the most important among students?
A normal child of twelve years of age is most likely to