Currently, which among the following products is facing imports ban from China?
What term is used for maximum capital which the company can raise in its life time?
Maximum share in total external debt of India is of _____________.
The minimum interest rate of a bank below which it is not viable to lend, is known as ___________:
Which among the following was the first bank purely managed by Indians?
Inflation Indexed Bonds is pegged to _________?
If you go to the market and purchase an Air conditioner for your factory, then in economic terminology, you are most probably doing which among the following?
The Laffer curve is the graphical representation of :
The concept of ‘Universal Banking’ was implemented in India on the recommendations of:
Which among the following closest instrument to Gold ETF?
What is the share of Government of India in NABARD?
Which among the following is not a subsidiary of RBI?
Which of the following Price Indices of India is considered for measuring ‘Headline Inflation’?
Which among the following is not a pillar of Basel III?
Round tripping is used as a ___________?
Which of the following statements regarding the ‘Viability Gap Funding Scheme (VGF)’ is not true?
Which of the following is used to denote broad money?
Why the Indirect taxes are termed regressive taxing mechanisms?
Which of the following best defines a floating-rate bond?
Which of the following agricultural commodity of India gives largest in terms of export value?
Which among the following is the oldest Public Sector Bank of India?
Which among the following is a qualitative tool of monetary policy?
Which among the following programmes is not being implemented in India with assistance of World Bank?
Reserve Tranche Position (RTP) is a term used in context with __________?
What is the minimum public shareholding (MPS) mandated by SEBI for Private Companies and PSUs respectively?
Devaluation of currency can correct a Balance of Payments deficit because _________.
What is the upper limit of transaction of amount via NEFT to a person in Nepal via the Indo-Nepal Remittance Facility Scheme?
The central nodal agency for implementing the price support operations for commercial crops is:
Which of the following schemes have been subsumed in the recently approved Ayushman Bharat – National Health Protection Mission (AB-NHPM)?
In which year Food Safety and Standards Act was enacted in India?