An easy method to impress students is to-
The likehood that a pupil with maintain his/her position in the same group test takers, When he/she takes an equivalent test, is a measure of the ____________ of that test.
A lesson, in which examples are given first and then, students are told to delineate a general rules of principle, is known as a/an-
The evaluation of personality is best made throught the use of a/an-
A quite reserved fourth grader brings road maps to school and looks at them, whenever he gets a chance. The teacher should-
Any teacher can become favourite among his students by-
The project education method of teaching is associated with-
Which method would you like to adopt to teach a new subject in the class?
As a teacher, what would like to do for your favourite students?
Knowledge of child psychology is a must for a primary teacher. That is bacause-
Nowadays, the chief reason for diminishing reputation of the teacher is-
In your view, to win the confidence of the Principle, a teacher should:
In comparing lectures and developmental lessons, all of the following are true except that-
Nowadays, students get educations throught Internet. This has become a Common practice in the West. Should this practie be adopted in India?
Nowadays, the dignity of lady teachers has dimmished in the society. The chief reason for his phenomanon is-
A teacher notices poor attendance in the class on Friday, the day on which, weekly tests are given. The teacher should-
Suppose that a person does not agree with your viewpoint. In such a situation, you would:
The major objective of my life is to become a-
In a kindergarten class, it would be unreasonable to expect a child to-
It is important for the teacher to have-
If the parents/guardians of a child cannot afford to send him to a highly branded and costly school, you will-
Which one of the following question is incorrect?
In your view, the major objective of co-education is-
If a student had asked you a question and you are not aware of its answer, then what would you like to do in such a situation?
Which quality of the teacher is liked the most by students?
The parent of a fourth grader refuses to give permission to her child to go on a class trip. The teacher should, first of all-
How should the subjects be distributed in the time table?
As a teacher, what is your view about going on strike?
In order to check the decay that is going on in the field of education, it is important-
Lesson planning should be guided primarily by the consideration of-
An example of verbal illustration is-
A fifteen year old student is fond of wearning the same type of sweaters that are worn by his lady teacher. The form of behaviour is known as-
You have learned that your students praised you in your absence. You will-
The chief quality of a teacher is-
"At least one third of learning that will determine later levels of school achievement has already taken place by the age of six."This a statement most closely associated with the writings of-
When misbehaviour of a pupil persists even thought the teacher punishes the child for each infraction, the teacher is probably practising the policy of-
The Dalton Scheme of education is useful for which ones of the following?
If a student does not complete his home work on a regular basis, what will you do to rectify him?
Nowadays, many small English Montessori Schools have sprung up in cities. In your view, the objective of their creation is-
Which of the following, the most promising step for a teacher to take in order to improve class discipline is to?
A student of the class is always scared or full of fears. In order to make him brave, the teacher should-
In the presents times, a lady teacher faces the maximum number of problems due to-
The limitation of the five-stage system of Herbert is-
Our present system of education is the one that creates unemployment because-
As a teacher, where would you like to teach?
If a student comes to your class in dirty and crumpled clothes, what type of remedy you will like to implement?